Colors and Characters
Color Scheme
This website's color scheme is intended for high contrast with white. It is designed to help this site meet WCAG level AAA standards for accessibility.
- Hex code: #3352a3
- RGB (51, 82, 163)
- Hex code: #60301a
- RGB (98, 46, 26)
- Hex code: #555758
- RGB (85, 87, 88)
- Hex code: #006600
- RGB (0, 102, 0)
- Hex code: #A31957
- RGB (163, 25, 87)
The symbols used in this game are common mathematical and scientific symbols. They are widely available in many free fonts. Note that to use the HTML codes below, you need to remove the space between the ampersand and hashtag symbols.
Intersection Symbol:
- Copy & paste: ∩
- HTML code: & #8745;
Beta (lower case):
- Copy & paste: β
- HTML code: & #914;
Delta (upper case):
- Copy & paste: Δ
- HTML code: & #916;
Xi (upper case):
- Copy & paste: Ξ
- HTML code: & #402;
Function symbol:
- Copy & paste: ƒ
- HTML code: & #0131;
Fonts & Paragraphs
This website uses Open Sans for body text and third-level headings. First- and second-level headings are in Roboto.
Game cards use DejaVu Sans for the specialty symbols and longer text passages. Shorter lines of text are in All Round Gothic. Lab color names are written in Arimo.
The default font size for paragraph text on this website is 14pt, with a 1.37 line height. First-level headings are sized at 2em. Second-level headings are 1.75 em. Third-level headings are 1.25 em.
Game Pieces
Google Drive
All game pieces can be found in a "gamePieces" subfolder, in the Print-and-Play folder on Google Drive.
Decorative Graphics
Coming Soon
This page is under construction